Minister of Health: LAST TIME, Official Announcement of Adopted Measures of National Importance

Minister of Health LAST TIME Official Announcement of Important National Measures Adopted

The Minister of Health sends a very important last-minute announcement for all of Romania regarding a major problem that is causing concern not only in our country, but also in other countries in Europe at the moment, and as you can see, we are talking about monkey pox .

The Minister of Health talks about the way in which vaccines against monkey pox are administered for certain types of people, the vaccine named Jynneos being authorized for use in our country, and below you have explanations for how it would be used, if needed , for people.

"In the context of the increased number of monkeypox cases registered in European countries, a measure to prevent the spread is vaccination against monkeypox infection. In Romania, vaccination against monkeypox infection is organized with the Jynneos vaccine. Running the monkeypox vaccination campaign

The vaccine against monkey pox is administered as a post-exposure prophylaxis measure to the following categories of people: a) people identified in epidemiological investigations – contacts of confirmed cases of the disease, in the first 4-14 days after exposure; b) medical personnel in the situation of accidental exposure. Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) In the event of exposure to monkeypox infection, post-exposure vaccination of asymptomatic persons ≥ 18 years of age should be carried out as early as possible, i.e. the first dose of vaccine should be given within 4 days of exposure, to prevent disease.

If the first dose of vaccine is not given within 4 to 14 days, the disease may not be prevented, but the severity of symptoms may be reduced. A second dose of vaccine is required at an interval of 28 days to complete the basic immunization. The vaccine is not authorized for administration to pregnant women or children and adolescents, as no data are available from studies for these categories of people.

Indications for PEP – close physical contact through intact skin or mucous membranes (sexual contact, interpersonal contact of family members) or prolonged unprotected face-to-face contact less than 1 m with a person infected with monkeypox (household contacts).

Following close contact, without appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, FFP2 mask/medical mask and protective gown), with a person with confirmed monkeypox, with body fluids or potentially infectious contaminated material (the infected person's clothing or bedding ), in the field of medical care; – laboratory personnel with unprotected accidental contact with biological samples containing non-inactivated monkeypox material, especially if the virus has been enriched by cell culture propagation.”