Minister of Education: LAST MINUTE Changes for Students and Schools, Official Measures

Minister of Education LAST MINUTE Changes School Students Official Measures

The Minister of Education is making a series of very important changes that target many of the students in schools in Romania, and this is because we are talking about a series of measures that have been officially adopted within the framework of an order that has already been published in the Official Journal of Romania The past days.

The Minister of Education is the initiator of this order, and he aims at the way in which the admission average for dual and professional education is calculated from now on, the changes you can see below being applied by all educational units that are based on these systems.

"Under the provisions of art. 76 of the National Education Law no. 1/2011, with subsequent amendments and additions, in accordance with the provisions of art. 3 paragraph (1) and of art. 13 para. (3) from Government Decision no. 369/2021 regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Education, with subsequent amendments and additions, the Minister of Education issues this order.

1. Article 10 is amended and will have the following content:" Art. 10. - Admission to vocational education is carried out in the descending order of admission averages calculated in a differentiated manner, as follows: a) the situation in which the number of registered candidates exceeds the number of places offered by the educational institution; b) the situation in which the number of candidates does not exceed the number of places offered by the educational institution."

2. Article 12, paragraph (1) is amended and will have the following content: "Art. 12. – (1) The calculation of the admission average in professional education is done as follows: a) in the case mentioned in art. 10 lit. a): MAIP = {70 x [(20ABS + 80EN) / 100] + 30 x PSA} / 100, where: MAIP = admission average in professional education; ABS = general graduation average of the XNUMXth - XNUMXth grades; EN = general average obtained at the national assessment in the XNUMXth grade; PSA = grade on the additional admission test established by the educational unit in collaboration with partner economic operators.

In the case mentioned in art. 10 lit. b): where: MAIP = admission average in professional education; EN = general average obtained at the national assessment in the 2023th grade." Art. II. - The provisions of art. It enters into force starting with the 2024-XNUMX school year.

Art. III. – The general directorate of pre-university education, the National Center for the Development of Professional and Technical Education, the county/municipality school inspectorates of Bucharest and the pre-university education units carry out the provisions of this order. Art. IV. This order is published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part I."