WHO: WORRYING Warning for All Countries of the World

WHO WORRYING Warning All Countries of the World

The WHO is warning all countries around the world at the moment about one of the most important and greatest dangers that exist at the moment for billions of people, and this is because at the moment the Coronavirus is not predictable enough because let the pandemic end, and the world must be careful.

The WHO says that there is still a very real possibility that a much more transmissible and more dangerous version of the Coronavirus will appear anywhere in the world, especially since there are countries where new very serious pandemic waves are appearing, China currently having the biggest problems, and taking the most serious measures against the population.

The WHO draws our attention to the fact that more than 500 variants of the Coronavirus circulate globally, and although most of them are of the Omicron strain, there are many other variants that can be much more transmissible and more pathogenic, but due to the lack of careful monitoring of situation, we don't know how good or bad things are globally now.

The WHO is trying to convince countries around the world to monitor much more carefully what is happening in all countries in terms of the spread of the Coronavirus, and the circulating variants, but a lot depends on how countries are interested in protecting citizens, not not necessarily the economies, which in many regions of Europe does not happen.