Russia Made a CRITICAL Decision in Full WAR with Ukraine

Russia Made a CRITICAL Decision in Full WAR with Ukraine

Russia made an extremely important tactical decision in the middle of the war in Ukraine, and this is because in the last 3 months it has decided not to send tactical groups of the battalions it has at its disposal to the front, and this is because they have a series of weaknesses that make them an easy target for the Ukrainian army.

The information comes from the British Ministry of Defence, and its experts say that the lack of a centralized use of the Russian army's artillery, but also of experienced commanders for these battalion tactical groups, make it impossible to use them in conditions of maximum efficiency in the war in Ukraine.

"Russia halts deployment of BTGs due to 'intrinsic weaknesses'. Russia likely stopped deploying battalion battle groups to Ukraine in the past three months because several weaknesses made them insufficient in high-intensity, large-scale combat.

The ministry mentions the decentralized distribution of artillery, which "did not allow Russia to fully use its advantage in terms of the number of weapons." There are also few BTG commanders "empowered to flexibly exploit opportunities in the way the BTG model was designed to promote."