Minister of Education: Latest Announcements, Students from All Romanian Schools Targeted

Minister of Education Announcements Last Time Students All Romanian Schools Targeted

The Minister of Education published today a series of last-minute announcements for students in all schools throughout the country, and this is because he is talking about the measures that are being prepared to be taken in the future based on discussions held with counterpart ministers from other states within a Ministerial Forum hosted by the OECD.

The Minister of Education talks below about what these discussions were based on, but also about the budget that the ministry is going to have during the next year, so that many of the projects that will be made for educational institutions will be thought about based on them from all over Romania in the following year.

"Yesterday was a full day at the Ministerial Forum on Education Policies, hosted at the OECD headquarters. The topics addressed by the ministers of education from member states or with OECD candidate status can be classified into two thematic spheres essential for the future of a society: strengthening democratic societies through education and investment in education, as an investment in the future.

The ministerial discussions were opened by the keynote speech of Thomas Friedman, who spoke about the need to form adaptive complex coalitions as a sine qua non condition to be able to ensure citizens' support for reforms and investments in education. In my intervention, I emphasized the need for public financial allocations in education to no longer be quantified as a budget deficit, but as investments, considering the economic and social return of each amount invested in education, from the earliest ages.

I also had the opportunity to discuss bilaterally with the delegations of Brazil and South Korea, thus laying the foundations for educational agreements on topics of common interest, such as the use of artificial intelligence in education or education for sustainable development. The bilateral meeting with the OECD secretariat was extremely applied, detailing the joint projects aimed at reforming educational governance, increasing equity and reducing school segregation.

I also received congratulations for the way in which Romania mobilized itself in the OECD accession process, in general, and in the field of education, in particular. Local budgets from own revenues: 4.205 million lei, amounts provided for the financing of pre-university education. The amounts provided in the budget ensure: the payment of the salaries of the education staff; expenditure on goods and services for the operation of educational units and institutions; payment of scholarships for pupils and students.

Payment of the transport of students who are not in school in the place of residence, as well as the payment of the transport of students; student dormitories/canteens subsidies; financing of programs from PNRR; capital expenditures for units/institutions under the supervision and coordination of the Ministry of Education; the financing of subordinate/coordinating units and institutions."