LAST TIME Meteorological Warnings, NOWCASTING, in Romania from ANM

Meteorological Warnings LAST TIME NOWCASTING Romania ANM

The last-minute weather warnings, nowcasting, in Romania issued by ANM, the National Meteorological Administration, bring to the attention of millions of Romanians from all over the country a series of weather phenomena that have been classified as having a yellow code, and are about to hit serious head Romanians.

ANM talks below about several yellow codes that will affect several regions in Romania, causing fog that can reduce visibility to even below 50 meters in certain areas, but also intensification of the wind, which in gusts can reach up to 60 – 70 km/h.


Valid from: 10-12-2022 at 9:00 a.m. until: 10-12-2022 at 11:00 a.m.

In the area: Bacău County: low area;

Botoşani County;

Galati County;

Neamţ County: low area;

They will signal: local fog that reduces visibility below 200 m and isolated below 50 m.


Valid from: 10-12-2022 at 6:25 until: 10-12-2022 at 9:00.

In the area: Botoşani County: Dorohoi, Ungureni, Hudești, Mihai Eminescu, Trușești, Ștefănești, Coțușca, Suharău, Havârna, Vorniceni, Rădăuți-Prut, Ibănești, Şendriceni, Vârfu Câmpului, Cristinești, Avrămeni, Dersca, George Enescu, Gorbănești, Manoleasa , Hilișeu-Horia, Păltiniș, Vlăsinești, Broscăuți, Mileanca, Dângeni, Pomârla, Roma, Unțeni, Știubieni, Darabani, Mihăileni, Drăgușeni, Durnești, Nicșeni, Dobârceni, Corlăteni, Leorda, Mihălășeni, Candăști, Cordăreni, Viișoara, Hănești, Brăesti , Săveni, Ripiceni, Concești, Văculești, Lozna, Mitoc, Dimăcheni, Adășeni, Bucecea;

They will signal: local fog that reduces visibility below 200 m and isolated below 50 m.


Valid from: 10-12-2022 at 6:00 until: 10-12-2022 at 12:00.

In the area: Caraș-Severin County: Reșita, Bocșa, Berzovia, Lupac, Fârliug, Târnova, Ramna, Vermeș, Ezeriș, Zorlentu Mare, Ocna de Fier;

Arad County: Şiria;

Bihor County: Soimi;

It will be signaled: wind intensifications that will reach 60-70 km/h in gusts.


Valid from: 10-12-2022 at 6:00 until: 10-12-2022 at 9:00.

In the area: Brăila County;

Ialomiţa County;

Călăraşi County;

Giurgiu County: Giurgiu, Comana, Vărăști, Băneasa, Frătești, Hotarele, Prundu, Oinacu, Colibași, Valea Dragului, Vedea, Stănești, Daia, Greaca, Găujani, Malu, Gostinari, Slobozia, Gostinu, Herăști, Isvoarele;
Ilfov County: Vidra, Glina, Berceni, Popești-Leordeni;

There will be: local fog, which causes the visibility to decrease below 200 m and isolated below 50 m.