LAST-MINUTE WHO Resolution with a Warning for the Whole World

WHO Resolution LAST TIME Warning Whole World

The WHO adopted a last-minute resolution through which it sends an extremely serious warning to the whole world, and this because it wants to bring to the immediate attention of all people something that any of the billions of people living on the globe must know about, the organism international making the decision that the pandemic is still far from over.

The WHO had a meeting of its experts to determine whether it is necessary to declare the end of the Coronavirus pandemic or not, and they came to the conclusion that at the moment the causes do not meet to declare the end of the Coronavirus pandemic, and this most likely due to the large number of cases that continue to be registered.

The WHO is constantly analyzing the global situation of the Coronavirus pandemic to determine whether or not it is appropriate to end the public health emergency classification of international concern, and despite what many states say, or what many people demand , we are still very far from being in a good situation from the point of view of the evolution of COVID-19, unfortunately.

"The Director-General of WHO agrees with the advice provided by the committee regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and determines that the event continues to constitute a Public Health Emergency of International Interest (PHEIC). The Director General acknowledges the Committee's views that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be at a transition point.

He appreciates the Committee's advice to carefully navigate this transition and mitigate potential negative consequences. The Director-General of WHO has taken into account the advice provided by the committee on the proposed interim recommendations."