Survivor Reveals an IMPORTANT SECRET Regarding Competitors and Challenges

Survivor Reveals IMPORTANT SECRET Contestants Challenges

Survivor, the most popular reality show in Romania at the moment, has officially revealed a new important secret regarding both the contestants and the trials that are now underway, and this is because from PRO TV they came from - over time a lot of important information about the competition.

Survivor has explained below the fact that due to the location where the contestants in this contest are located, the trials they participate in are not the only challenge they face, and this is because including the tarantulas are a huge challenge, even more, they are a threat to the participants of the competition.

Even if there are snakes in the location where the competition takes place, the contestants from Survivor Romania are not seriously threatened by them, because they are not poisonous, but even so, they must be very careful not to be bitten, because that they can still have serious problems, in the end.

Survivor Romania is still in full swing, and there are still many weeks in which the competition will have episodes broadcast, so it remains to be seen what major surprises will be revealed to us by those from PRO TV through the shows that will be broadcast officially on the television channel.

"What do you say? Could you live in such conditions? Yes, there are snakes, but they are not poisonous. Instead, watch out for the tarantulas… This week, the Survivor games have consistently shown agility from the contestants.

In addition to the tests and the difficult weather conditions, the competitors must also take care of the tarantulas, which, when they feel threatened, bite."