The ATTENTION of BANCA Transilvania customers is drawn, what everyone SHOULD know

To the customers of BANCA Transilvania, it attracts ATTENTION. Everyone should know

BANCA Transilvania is attracting the attention of customers from all over Romania at the moment, and this is because it tells them about what any of them needs to know as a priority, and if you look carefully at the information, you can see that it is very clearly explained to us what they need to know to do if we lost a card, or it was stolen by someone.

BANCA Transilvania explains below, very clearly, the steps we must take if we end up in such a situation, and this is because in cases of this kind it is very important to act in time, in order not to risk having the money stolen by some unknown entity at some point in time.

The measures that BANCA Transilvania asks us to take as a priority after we discover the fact that a card has been stolen must be taken immediately, and this is because the speed can ensure us not only the limitation of financial losses, but also the recovery of eventual stolen money, so we have to act very quickly.

BANCA Transilvania explains a series of measures which, in essence, are applicable to any other bank, and any other type of bank card, so you should not look at them other than very carefully, and try to remember them, or add this article to your favorites, to know what to do if you end up in such a situation.

Can't find your card, have you lost your card? Block the card urgently. You can do it in several ways: BT Pay, Select card, Settings, Block card. BT Visual Help (0264 308 000, Access link received via SMS, Card blocking and card reissuance request).

BT24 Mobile Banking, Cards, Change card status. BT24 Internet Banking, Cards, View card, Change card status. NeoBT, Products, My cards, choose the card and then the Block/unblock a card option. Or call us on 0264 308 028, our Call Center colleagues are available 24/7.