The Minister of Education makes 3 extremely IMPORTANT announcements for all students in schools

The Minister of Education makes 3 extremely IMPORTANT announcements to all school students

The Minister of Education today makes two extremely important announcements regarding the students in schools and their future, and this is because it brings to the attention of all people what is happening in terms of investments in schools through the PNRR, explaining below what it is allocated for hundreds of millions of euros, which it was recently said will no longer be allocated.

The Minister of Education also talks below about the fact that female educators will not need higher education to work in kindergartens, and in relation to the Baccalaureate, the changes are fully detailed below by Ligia Deca for Romanians who are interested in the changes.

"We note that in the public space components I5 - Training courses for users of the Integrated Information System of Education in Romania (SIIIR) and of the IT tool of the Early Warning Mechanism (MATE) and systemic interventions to reduce early school leaving are erroneously mentioned – 43 million euros.

Regarding I6 – The development of 10 regional consortia and the development and endowment of 10 integrated professional campuses – 338 million euros, components for which the Ministry of Education has not proposed any change in financial allocation. At the same time, regarding component I6 – Development of 10 regional consortia and development and endowment of 10 integrated professional campuses – 338 million euros, it should be mentioned that, within this investment.

The Ministry of Education held, between 17.11.2022 and 07.03.2023, a call for projects for the development of regional consortia for dual education. We specify that 33 projects were submitted, these are in the eligibility evaluation period, and the best applications will be financed within the budget.

Not. In order to receive the right to enter the system, therefore to be enrolled in pre-university education units, you need the pedagogical high school with the respective specialization, early education. Of course, there is the possibility that, further on, they will also pursue a license focused on early childhood education and then be placed differently in the salary scale. But there is a possibility that those who have finished the pedagogical high school will be employed directly.

So the proposal regarding the Baccalaureate has not changed as a result of the interministerial approval, the one that was made public, with all those variants depending on the profile and specialization, remains standing. What is new compared to the Baccalaureate version that we have now is that many of the skills tests can be given during the school year, during the twelfth grade, so that in the summer we only have four tests, if they choose to give the others earlier, thus reducing the load at the end of the school year in the summer."