WhatsApp: Decision for iPhones with an IMPORTANT Change

WhatsApp Decision iPhone Phones IMPORTANT Change

WhatsApp has made a very important decision for iPhone phones, and this is to make a change that many of the people who use the application in these devices should know about at the present time, and this is because we are talking about the possibility of connecting several phones to same account

WhatsApp launched a similar functionality for Android some time ago, without mentioning then that on the iPhone we cannot connect more than one phone to the same account, so now it fixes this important difference, to give us the opportunity to benefit of this functionality.

WhatsApp usually gradually implements features on iPhone and Android, without being able to offer everything at once, mainly because of the major differences between the platforms, so it's not a surprise what we're seeing now, just something that happens normally for this application.

The change that WhatsApp Messenger is making now will be officially available in the future for iPhone phones, and this is because it is being tested in the beta version of the application for Apple phones, and will be officially offered to people only in the moment when she will be 100% ready for it.

WhatsApp Decision iPhone Phones IMPORTANT Change phone interconnection

WhatsApp Messenger allow however, on the iPhone the interconnection of other devices to a main account, i.e. tablets or PCs, or even an Android phone, so it's good to know that there are still options to benefit from this system, even if for now there is a limitation regarding iPhone phones .