Cydia Substrate 0.9.5013 has been released bringing partial compatibility for tweaks and apps with iOS 8.1

  Jailbreak iOS 8.1 it came without an app Cydia containing support for iOS 8.1, but lo and behold, saurik, the app's creator, managed to update both the app and Cydia Subtrate, the most important plugin for it, in less than a day. Cydia Substrate 0.9.5013 was released earlier today in Cydia for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, with the new version bringing partial compatibility with a multitude of tweaks and apps running on its base at the moment.

  Jailbreak iOS 8.1 it is not 100% after updating this plugin, but we are talking about the most used framework for tweaks and applications of Cydia, so the new version will allow a large number of developers to update their packages. In the coming weeks we will see a flurry of updates for the packages present in Cydia, most of which may be compatible with iOS 8.1 by the end of next month.