Instagram: sube 10 fotos y videos en publicaciones

Instagram a lansat in cursul acestei zile o noua functie pentru utilizatorii din lumea intreaga, ea permitand crearea de postari care includ pana la 10 clipuri video si poze. Pana acum Instagram permitea publicarea unei singure poze, sau a unui singur clipul video, intr-o postare, dar incepand de astazi lucrurile se schimba radical.

Prin permiterea publicarii a maxim 10 poze sau clipuri video, cei de la Instagram ne permit sa partajam mai mult continut intr-o singura postare, in loc de multiple postari. Toate pozele si clipurile video din postare vor fi prezentate intr-un carusel si le vom putea vedea pe toate glisand din dreapta spre stanga pentru a vedea totul separat.

In momentul in care incercam sa publicam poze sau clipuri video, vom avea optiunea de a selecta multiple elemente pentru afisare intr-o singura postare. Ordinea pozelor si clipurilor video poate fi aleasa de catre noi, in timp ce editarea este deasemenea posibila pentru orice poza, sau clip video, asa ca ele vor arata exact asa cum dorim.

Noua functie lansata de catre Instagram este oferita ca o completare pentru functia Stories, diferenta mare fiind ca aceste postari complexe nu dispar in 24 de ore. Instagram a anuntat ca noua functie urmeaza sa fie disponibila in lumea intreaga in perioada urmatoare, utilizatorii urmand a o avea disponibila gradual in diverse zone de pe glob.

“When uploading to your feed, you’ll see a new icon to select multiple photos and videos. It’s easy to control exactly how your post will look. You can tap and hold to change the order, apply a filter to everything at once or edit one by one. These posts have a single caption and are square-only for now. On your profile grid, you’ll notice the first photo or video of your post has a little icon, which means there’s more to see.”

Mai jos puteti vedea cum arata o postare de acest gen si cum veti putea interactiona cu ea.

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Surprise! ? Swipe left on the post above to see more. Starting today, you can share up to 10 photos and videos in one post on Instagram. With this update, you no longer have to choose the single best photo or video from an experience you want to remember. When uploading to your feed, you’ll see a new icon to select multiple photos and videos. It’s easy to control exactly how your post will look. You can tap and hold to change the order, apply a filter to everything at once or edit one by one. These posts have a single caption and are square-only for now. On a profile grid, you’ll notice the first photo or video of a post has a little icon, which means there’s more to see. And in feed, you’ll see blue dots at the bottom of these posts to let you know you can swipe to see more. You can like and comment on them just like a regular post. This update is available as part of Instagram version 10.9 for iOS in the Apple App Store and for Android on Google Play. To learn more, check out

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