iPhone 6 Plus - näin tavoitettavuusjärjestelmä toimii yhdellä kädellä (video)

  Varten 6 iPhone Plus omena toteutettu vuonna iOS 8 un nou sistem care permite micsorarea interfetei de utilizator printr-o dubla apasare a butonului Home. tavoitettavuus este denumirea acestui nou sistem si dupa micsorarea dimensiunii aplicatiei, folosind swipe-uri putem naviga inainte sau inapoi prin meniurile aplicatiei, exact ca si cum am utiliza butoanele disponibile in colturile aplicatiei, daca ea ar fi vizibila pe intregul ecran.

By creating iPhone 6 and iOS 8 together, we optimized the software to enhance the physical design. iOS swipe gestures were designed to be more fluid across the seamless form, making it easy to navigate iPhone with one hand. With new features like Reachability you can interact with the larger screen in different ways, too. Simply double touch the Home button and the entire screen shifts down closer to your thumb. And to easily navigate Safari or Mail, swipe left to right across the screen to go backward, or swipe right to left to go forward. With the new continuous surface of iPhone, all your gestures now feel smoother than ever.

  Sistemul este o versiune rudimentara a celui folosit de catre Samsung pentru terminalele sale si este implementat deoarece Apple a prezentati ani de-a randul terminalele iPhone ca fiind perfecte pentru utilizare cu o singura mana, acest lucru nemaifiind valid acum.