Het waargebeurde verhaal van de oprichting van Facebook

Facebook este cea mai mare retea de socializare de pe planeta, ea avand peste 1.2 miliarde de persoane active in fiecare luna, iar despre crearea sa s-au spus foarte multe, ba s-a realizat chiar si un film care a avut succes destul de mare in lumea intreaga.

Intr-un interviu recent Mark Zuckerberg a detaliat crearea retelei de socializare in perioada in care inca era student al universitatii Harvard din SUA, ideea de a realiza Facebook, care atunci avea un cu totul alt nume, venindu-i dupa realizarea unui proiect pentru unul dintre cursurile pe care le urma.

Meer specifiek, Mark Zuckerberg a creat un website in care utilizatorilor erau afisate in mod aleator diverse piese de arta, despre care el trebuia sa invete pentru un examen si despre care nu stia absolut nimic, ei trebuind sa scrie ceea ce li se parea semnificativ din punct de vedere al istoriei artei.

A partajat acel website colegilor de facultate si a adunat informatiile necesare pentru a scrie un eseu pentru a putea promova cursul respectiv, notele obtinute de catre el si cei care au vizitat website-ul si completat informatii fiind foarte bune.

Plecand de la aceasta idee, Mark Zuckerberg a creat un website prin care le oferea studentilor Harvard posibilitatea de a partaja orice fel de informatii cu persoanele din jurul lor, crearea versiunii initiale a serviciului durand doar 2 saptamani, desi Zuckerberg lucra la multiple proiecte simultan.

De aici incolo versiunea initiala a Facebook a devenit extrem de populara in randul studentilor, website-ul a fost imbunatatit, disponibilitatea a fost extinsa si incetul cu incetul ajungem unde suntem astazi.

For the final the class — called the “Rome of Augustus”, it was an art history class — there were all theses pieces of art in the class and they were going to show you a handful and you would need to write an essay about the historical significance of that piece of art. I hadn’t paid much attention in the class because I was programming other things so when it came time for the final I was like oh I am screwed, I don’t know any of this stuff. 

So as a study tool I built a little service that showed you at random one of the pieces of art and let you enter what you thought was significant from an art history perspective. So I sent it out to the email list for the class and said hey I have a study tool, and everyone just filled in what is significant about all the pieces of art and it ended up being this great social study tool.

I think the grades on the test that year were higher than they had been in the past. So there were all these different projects, I probably did like 10 different things like this when I was at Harvard. I thought I should put some of this stuff together to create a tool where people can share whatever they want with the people around them. And that was how the first version of Facebook came.  

It only took me two weeks to build the first version of Facebook because I had so much stuff before then.