BiteSMS 4.7 beta 3 acum in Cydia

Developmentul pentru BiteSMS 4.7 inainteaza destul de repede, ieri a fost lansata versiunea beta 3 si in ritmul acesta poate pana la sfarsitul lunii vom avea o varianta finala a versiunii 4.7. BiteSMS este una dintre cele mai complete aplicatii care va permite administrarea SMS/MMS-urilor dar mai mult decat atat va da posibilitatea de a folosi reteaua internationala BiteSMS pentru a trimite SMS/MMS-uri oirunde in lume la preturi foarte mici.

Iata changelog-ul pentru BiteSMS 4.7 beta 3 :

  • Added the option “None” for reports on the delivery of a message;
  • Redefined the logic of the function Dim for Quick List, which decreases the luinosità screen automatically, preventing the consumption of battery;
  • Added a button in forwarding QuickReply;
  • Re-added the missed calls and icon biteSMS on the pop-up that shows the Away List;
  • Added a new feature called “Pocket Protection” mode LockScreen and settings. Default is off but if the operations would enable the application of all the buttons in QuickReply even if you’ve started typing time;
  • Fixed various problems;
  • Journey between the Quick Reply Quick List and now does not remove the text that was writing. We can then go and read a message received and then return to quick reply to continue to compose a message previously begun;
  • In the Quick Reply and Quick Compose has added a red X and the ability to close the pop-up unwittingly invoked via the home button;
  • Icon QuickList now is pious simple click;

Pentru cei interesati BiteSMS 4.7 beta 3 poate fi instalat prin adaugarea repo-ului : in Cydia. Aveti grija insa deoarece aplicatia este inca in versiunea beta si ar putea cauza probleme.