Skyfire 3.1.0 disponibil in AppStore

Versiunea 3.1.0 a browserului SkyFire a fost lansata astazi in AppStore aducand destul de multe noutati importante pentru posesorii de iDevices. Folosind SkyFire posesorii de iDevices pot viziona clipuri video in format flash pe aproape orice site web. Acesta este singurul browser care permite o asemenea functionalitate deoarece preia continutul video flash, il transforma in HTML5 prin serverele SkyFire si il retransmite catre iDevice-urile noastre. Aplicatia poate fi folosita atat printr-o retea 3G cat si printr-o retea Wi-Fi Apple lasand la decizia noastra modul de folosire al aplicatiei.

Iata ce aduce nou Skyfire 3.1.0 :

  • Localized Versions of Skyfire: Skyfire UI is now translated and accessible in seven new languages: Italian, French, Portuguese, German, Japanese, Korean & Spanish
  • Video Failure Upgrade: We are continually striving to add more supported video sites & players each day – Our new video support flow makes it easy for users to connect directly with our engineers and support team for optimum customer service and to identify sites that need our immediate attention. We love the feedback and are working hard to make Skyfire for iPhone a 5 Star App (Thanks for rating us and sharing with your friends!)
  • Related Sites Feature: Our video support team will continue to address sites that need attention – In the meanwhile, if you encounter a site that does not work via Skyfire, we are now making discovery of Skyfire supported sites accessible with the touch of the ‘Related Sites’ button. Clicking the ‘Related Sites’ button searches the web for comparable video sites and content, and delivers these web links conveniently to users – helping users find more video content via Skyfire.
  • New User Agent Interface: Skyfire now offers easy access to all three user agent options – giving users flexibility to unlock more video content and easy toggling to accommodate browsing via iPhone (Safari), Desktop or iPad view.

Pretul initial:
Skyfire Web Browser


Developer: Skyfire Labs, Inc.
Categoria: Utilities

Descriere: Please read the ‘need to know section’ before buying!

Please note:

Skyfire has a separate browser available for iPad users!
Skyfire supports Flash VIDEOS on many of your favorite websites.

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 3.8 Mb