Seagate GoFlex Sattelite – primele hard disk-uri wireless pentru iDevice-uri

Astazi Seagate a anuntat lansarea GoFlex Sattelite, un hard disk de 500GB care poate fi accesat chiar de pe iDevice-ul nostru. Hard Disk-ul celor de la Seagate are o interfata Wi-Fi speciala care folosind aplicatia GoFlex Media permite posesorilor de iDevices sa acceseze intregul continut al produsului. Seagate spune ca noul lor hard-disk are o autonomie de 25 de ore insa face playback pentru filme numai pentru 5 ore, deci o diferenta destul de mare si o autonomie destul de mica pentru video playback. Totusi acest hard disk micut poate fi accesat de orice alt dispozitiv care are un chip Wi-Fi iar continutul intern poate fi vizualizat si administrat prin intermediul unei interfate web. Pentru cei mai comizi exista posibilitatea de a transfera continutul si prin USB, GoFlex Sattelite fiind dotat cu tehnologia USB 3.0.

Putem transfera de pe calculator pe GoFlex aproape orice ne dorim noi si mai apoi putem accesa acel continut de pe orice alt calculator/laptop/iDevice. Dispozitivul este foarte interesant insa partea proasta vine abia acum, el costa 200$. Pretul e mare, poate prea mare pentru un hard disk de genul acesta insa daca va doriti portabilitate maxima atunci puteti face o pre-comanda aici urmand ca produsul in sine sa il primiti luna viitoare.

With the growth of the tablet and iPad markets and the larger volumes of high-quality media now being consumed, there is a clear need for access to content that is not plagued with the challenges of streamed video over the Internet,” said Patrick Connolly, vice president and general manager of Seagate’s retail group. “The unfortunate fact is that these popular new mobile devices are hampered by their limited storage capacity while one of their primary functions is that of media consumption.

“With the GoFlex Satellite mobile wireless storage, we wished to create an elegant solution that provides real value to the multitude of iPad users out there by delivering a seamless connection to local storage. No longer will a consumer feel as though it is a compromise to purchase a lower capacity tablet or iPad. With GoFlex Satellite, people will be able to carry their entire media library with them without the need for wires or the web at a fraction of the cost of adding 3G or purchasing or a higher capacity tablet.