ScreenTest repara pixeli blocati, diagnosticheaza probleme cu Backlight Bleeding

    ScreenTest este o noua aplicatie pentru iDevice-uri care promite sa rezolve problemele cu pixeli vlocati dar sa si diagnosticheze problemele cu backlight bleeding-ul ecranelor terminalelor noaste. Dezvoltatorul aplicatiei sustine ca a implementat in ea cativa logaritmi avansati care permit afisarea unor imagini care au rolul de a “trezi” pixelii blocati dar care daca sunt rulate pentru o perioada rezonabila de timp nu vor afecta ecranul vostru. Din pacate am vazut foarte multe probleme cu pixeli blocati pe ecranele iDevice-urilor si Apple nu prea schimba terminalele in aceste situatii asa ca o aplicatie de acest gen s-ar putea dovedi a fi utila pentru utilizatori.

Intended to aid you in correcting stuck pixels in your iPhone, iPad, iPod and external screens. This isn’t just another “test” that you can find online, this APP uses a logarithm who, at a high frequency, excite pixels and hopefully release their stuck state. Do you want to know if your screen has Backlight Bleeding? And if so, in which range? Soft? Medium? Hard? Screens are designed to display rapidly changing images for many years. Running ScreenTest for a reasonable time will not cause damage to your screen. ScreenTest has been used to successfully repair thousands of screens. Other applications and videos which turn the entire screen on and off rapidly cause a significant strain on the power circuitry and could damage your screen. ScreenTest’s logarithm ensures that the average power requirement is roughly constant which is safier than other ways.

   ScreenTest este disponibila gratuit in Cydia asa ca o puteti descarca din repo-ul BigBoss si o puteti incerca pe terminalele voastre. Daca reusiti sa deblocati pixeli cu ea sau daca reusiti sa diagnosticati probleme cu backlight bleeding va rog sa lasati un comentariu.