Gamer te ajuta sa nu petreci prea mult timp in jocuri

  Gamer este un nou tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia care permite posesorilor de iDevice-uri sa isi cronometreze timpul petrecut jucandu-se pe iDevice-uri. Tweak-ul ne permite sa setam anumite perioade de timp in care dorim sa ne jucam si atunci cand acea perioada de timp a trecut vom fi anuntati printr-o alerta ca ar trebui sa ne oprim. Tweak-ul afiseaza alerta de mai sus care ne da optiunea: de a inchide aplicatia pe care o avem deschisa, de a prelungi timpul de joc cu inca 5 minute si de a inchide alerta.

Have you ever lost an important meeting because you played with a game for too long? or you noticed that you spend lot of time playing games each day? Then Gamer is the tweak for you, this tweak allows you to show an alert when you have spent a number of minutes (that you can set) so you don’t waste more time. But if you want to ignore this, you can just cancel the countdown or “snooze” it to have more time. Gamer has many options and features, if you have iOS 5 or later you can see your remaining time on a Notification Center Widget, also you can disable the countdown for all games with just a SBSettings Toggle.

Full Features List:

  • Show an Alert when you are using an app for too long
  • Snooze the countdown to show the Alert again later
  • Select only some apps to for the countdown (or invert selection)<
  • Customizable Time and Snooze Time
  • SBSettings Toggle to disable/enable device
  • NC Widget to see remaining time

  Gamer are un meniu de setari in aplicatia iOS iar acolo putem stabili ce perioada de timp ne alocam pentru jocuri si aplicatiile in care timer-ul tweak-ului va functiona. Gamer este disponibil 1.5$ in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia.