iPhone 5 cu 4G LTE, 1 GB RAM si chip NFC urmeaza sa fie lansat in toamna acestui an

  Desi s-a spus pana acum ca iPhone 5 ar fi intrat in faza de productie, se pare ca dispozitivul inca nu a ajuns chiar atat de departe si Apple testeaza in continuare prototipuri ale sale. Informatiile  vin de la cei de la BGR care sustin ca iPhone 5 ar urma sa aiba 1 GB RAM, la fel ca iPad 3 si asta era o presupunere logica, conectivitate 4G LTE care era din nou o presupunere logica, si un chip NFC care este in contradictie cu ceea ce spun cei din conducerea Apple. Dispozitivul este in momentul de fata in penultima faza de testare inaintea lansarii si ar putea intra in productie la sfarsitul lunii august.

Additionally, we have confirmation that the units Apple is currently testing have 1GB of RAM, doubled from the iPhone 4S’s 512MB, and integrated 4G LTE radios. We can also confirm that NFC hardware is present in the phones as well.  Apple’s sixth-generation iPhone is currently in the EVT3 stage, the third revision of the engineering test stage, and has not yet entered the DVT stage. For reference, production of past iPhones was as follows, according to our source:

    1. Verizon iPhone 4: This hit the EVT2 stage in mid-November, hit EVT3 the last week of November, and got up to DVT2 in late December.
    2. iPhone 4: The unit that was lost in a San Francisco bar was in DVT stage in late March, and had hit EVT2 by mid-February of 2010.

  Daca zvonurile sunt adevarate, atunci iPhone 5 ar aduce multe schimbari fata de terminalul iPhone 4S si nu vorbim doar despre design, ci si despre structura interna, insa conectivitatea 4G LTE este inutila in Romania.