Bridge transfera orice fisier multimedia din iDevice-ul tau in libraria muzicala a iTunes pentru iOS

Foarte multi posesori de iDevice-uri au fost nemultumiti din cauza faptului ca nu puteau incarca in libraria muzicala a propriului iDevice fisierele multumedia trimise catre ei prin email, ori cele descarcate de pe internet, Apple nu a luat vreo masura pentru a rezolva problema, insa aici intervine Bridge. Bridge a fost lansat zilele trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau oricine poate transfera continut multimedia din iDevice-ul sau direct in aplicatia Music pe care o avem disponibila deja in iOS.

Bridge is Cydia’s first stand-alone application that allows you to import music and videos straight to your media library; directly on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. You don’t even need a PC or iTunes! Any media file that is located on your device or that you have received in an E-mail can be imported with Bridge. You can even download songs and videos from the Internet and import those! The import just takes a few seconds and imported songs will immediately show up in your Music application, imported videos will show up in the Videos app. Before a song or video is imported, you can set the Title, Artist, Album, Genre, and even Album cover image.

Practic orice melodie sau clip video din iDevice-urile voastre pot fi transferate foarte simplu in aplicatia Music si libraria sa muzicala. Nu conteaza de unde vine continutul, important este ca el sa fie disponibil in terminal si partea interesanta este ca puteti transfera continut multimedia din alte aplicatii folosind functia Open In.. Acum daca puteti transfera continutul multimedia in aplicatia Music, probabil va intrebati si daca acel continut va fi transferat in calculatorul vostru. Ei bine raspunsul este acesta: daca acel continut multimedia este sub forma de Podcast atunci el va ajunge in libraria iTunes, insa daca el este in altt format nu va fi transferat.

Main features:

  • Import any song or video that is on your device into your media library
  • Import media from within other applications (Only apps that have a ‘Open in…’ option)
  • Download and import media from the Internet
  • Importing media is fast, taking only a few seconds
  • Preview songs and videos before importing them to your media library
  • Song information is set automatically and can be manually edited at any time
  • Set import type: Song, Ringtone, Podcast, Video, Music Video, or TV-Show!

Bridge este disponibil pentru 1.99$ in Cydia.

Podcasts will be transferred to your computer when syncing with iTunes. Songs and videos that have not been imported as a Podcast won’t be transferred to your computer and will simply stay on your device after syncing with iTunes.