Iata descrierea design-ului iPhone-ului ieftin pe care Apple ar urma sa il lanseze in 2013

  iPhone 3GS a fost ultimul iPhone construit folosind o carcasa din plastic si desi multi au laudat materialele alese atunci de catre Apple, plasticul a fost criticat de multi, inclusiv de catre compania americana. Ei bine, plasticul revine, anul acesta, insa intr-un iPhone l0w-end, ieftin, care are rolul de a atrage extrem de multi cumparatori cu buzunarele nu foarte pline. Cei de la iLounge spun ca terminalul va avea un ecran de 4 inch, va avea partea inferioara construita intr-un mod asemanator cu cea a iPod Touch 5G, iar forma intregului dispozitiv se va asemana cu cea a iPod Classic.

No, it won’t just be a Retina- and Lightning-equipped refresh of the iPhone 3G or 3GS, Apple’s last plastic iPhones, nor will it look just like an all-plastic version of the iPhone 5. This new model is actually a cross between the iPhone 5, fifth-generation iPod touch, and… wait for it… the iPod classic. Yes, really. It will have a 4” screen, like the iPhone 5, a bottom like the latest iPod touch, and a shape that’s most similar to the iPod classic. The budget iPhone’s raw dimensions are just barely larger than the iPhone 5’s. It is around a half-millimeter taller and a half-millimeter wider—nearly imperceptible differences—as well as almost a millimeter thicker.

  Ecranul de 4 inch va fi Retina, portul Lightning va fi, desigur, prezent, insa terminalul va fi cu jumatate de milimetru mai inalt si mai lat decat iPhone 5, insa va fi si cu 1 milimetru mai gros, dar schimbarile importante vor fi la partile curbate. Privit din fata, terminalul va arata aproape identic cu iPhone 5, insa pe laterale vom gasi butoane noi, alungite, asemanatoare cu cele ale iPhone 3G/3GS, modificarile fiind facute in ideea de a reduce costurile de productie. In ceea ce priveste forma, terminalul ar urma sa aiba o carcasa asemanatoare cu cea a iPod Classic, astfel ca fiecare parte laterala si spatele vor fi plane, in rest camera, microfoanele, difuzoarele si portul Lightning urmand a fi amplasate aproape identic precum in cazul iPhone 5/iPod Touch 5G.

From the front, the new iPhone looks almost identical to the iPhone 5—the same exact shape, with the same sensor, camera, and button arrangement. The 1136 x 640 screen isn’t a surprise, but will be a nice step up in specs for the lowest-cost iPhone. Rather than making the display flush with the enclosure, as it was in the plastic iPhone 3G/3GS. The circular volume buttons of the iPhone 4, 4S, and 5 will shift to elongated, pill-shaped designs closer to the iPod touch and iPhone 3G/3GS. …the budget iPhone’s curves start and end at flat surfaces, so each side and the back are flat. This seems like a trivial change, until you realize that it allows Apple to use flat rather than curve-matched parts: the right side has a flat, centered SIM card tray just like the iPhone 5’s, while all of the buttons and ports are on flat rather than curved surfaces.

  Design-ul diferit al terminalului imprumuta de la iPhone 5, iPod Touch 5G si iPod Classic tot ceea ce este mai bun, iar in final urmeaza sa fie disponibil la un pret mai mic decat multi se asteapta.

On the back are a camera, microphone, and rear flash similar in proportions to the fifth-generation iPod touch, only without the protruding rear lens, and with a circular rather than pill-shaped microphone hole. The bottom is a hybrid of the iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5G. A headphone port, Lightning port, bottom microphone, and speaker are in roughly the same positions as the iPhone 5’s, but with far fewer holes, similar to the new iPod touch’s bottom design. There’s one small hole for a second microphone, next to the headphone port, two screw holes alongside the centered Lightning port, and four holes for the speaker off to the bottom right.