Kamera te ajuta sa deschizi rapid aplicatia Camera din Notifications Center

  Kamera este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa in Notifications Center doua widget-uri care ne permit sa facem poze cu camerele iDevice-urilor noastre. Primul widget deschide aplicatia Camera cu camera frontala activa, iar cel de-al doilea deschide aplicatia Camera cu camera principala activa. Ideea celor doua widget-uri Kamera este de a usura munca de schimbare a modulelor utilizate pentru a inregistra poze, insa acelasi lucru il puteti face si prin aplicatia Camera din iOS.

Kamera is a simple Notification Center widget for iPhones and iPods which brings two pleasing buttons named “Front Camera” and “Rear Camera”. These two buttons let you quickly jump into the Front Camera mode or the Rear Camera mode. So that you don’t need to spend time switching between camera modes. Whenever you need to capture something important, just slide down the Notification Center and select your desired camera mode. Kamera is designed exactly like the iOS 6 Share widget. It’s simple and elegant. It is fully compatible with your new iPhone 5 or iPod Touch 5.

Kamera does not support the iPad currently. iPad version will come later. Compatible with iOS 5.x and iOS 6.x for iPhone and iPod Touch ONLY.

  Kamera este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia, functioneaza pe iOS 6, dar nu si pe iPad.