Mobi, Telepod, MicroMac sau TriPod s-ar fi putut numit primul iPhone (Video)


  Cei de la Apple au spus de multe ori ca denumirea unui produs este extrem de importanta, ea influentand extrem de mult evolutia pe care o va avea acel produs pe piata. In aceasta idee, compania Apple discuta, inaintea lansarii unui produs important, denumirile pe care produsele ar urma sa le aiba, iar un fost angajat al echipei de marketing ne prezinta in clipul video de mai sus denumirile pe care iPhone-ul le-ar fi putut avea. Mobi, Telepod, MicroMac, iPad sau Tripod sunt denumirile luate in considerare de catre Apple, iar mai jos aveti o explicatie a motivatiei din spatele alegerii lor.

  • Telepod:” According to Segall, Apple considered calling the device “Telepod” because it sounded like a futuristic twist to the word “telephone.” The “pod” part of the name also makes sense in context of Apple’s then-extraordinarily-popular iPod line of music players. Perhaps this name would have made more sense if Tony Fadell’s “iPod-phone” project beat out Scott Forstall’s OSX/iOS work.
  • Mobi“: According to Segall, this potential name is a play on the word “mobile.” The shortened version of “Mobile” seems to be a creative name with a personality, according to Segall.
  • Tripod:” While this name did not win out, it did make a big impact on Apple’s original presentation and marketing for the iPhone. “Tripod” stems from the iPhone being a combination phone + iPod + internet communications device. Indeed, Apple heavily marketed the original iPhone as such. As we know today, with the App Store and other new Apple apps, the iPhone platform is so much more than just a phone, internet communicator, and media player.
  • iPad:” While the iPad ended up being the name for Apple’s tablet computer, that name was also under consideration for the smartphone. As the iPhone has much of the same functionality as the iPad that we know today, that name may have been sensible. This name also makes sense in terms of Apple’s iOS device development process: Steve Jobs previously revealed that Apple worked on the tablet before the phone, but ended up prioritizing the iPhone in its long-term product roadmap.

  Fiecare dintre aceste denumiri are o anumita logica pentru Apple si cei care le gandesc reclamele, orivind in trecut e foarte greu de spus daca vreuna dintre ele ar fi generat la fel de mult interes pentru iPhone, insa macar stim ce au avut in gand oamenii de la Apple cand au vorbit despre modul in care vor promova primul iPhone.