FBPrivacy implementeaza o suita de functii utile pentru aplicatiile Facebook

  FBPrivacy este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem implementa cateva functii extrem de utile in aplicatiile Facebook disponibile in App Store. Tweak-ul ne permite sa dezactivam sistemele care le arata prietenilor nostri cand am citit mesajele trimise de catre ei, sau cand incepem sa scriem un mesaj, ne permite sa activam posibilitatea de a dicta mesaje folosind Siri, ne permite sa trimitem mai mult de o poza intr-o conversatie, ne activeaza sistemul de apeluri VoIP gratuite, ne permite sa dezactivam sistmeul de reminders, activeaza timestamp-uri pentru mesaje si activeaza o serie de functii interne in aplicatii.

FBPrivacy is a new tweak that helps making Facebook’s experience much better. FBPrivacy works with Facebook and Messenger.

Here is a list of FBPrivacy settings:

  • Unseen: Read messages like normal, but others will NOT receive the “read”.
  • Typing: Type a message like normal, but others will NOT see that you are typing a message.
  • Dictation: When you write anything on Facebook the Siri button will exist on the keyboard and it can be used normaly. *needs Siri enabled and compatible language and device*;
  • Timestamps: Each message has its own timestamp.
  • Enable Internal Settings: Enables Internal Settings which are located at the bottom of the left panel of Facebook.
  • Send More Photos: Send more than 1 photo per message on Facebook.
  • Disable All Reminders: Disables all the reminders on Messenger. (won’t work if you turn off notifications from Messenger’s Settings);
  • VOIP: Enables VOIP for Facebook and Messenger.

  FBPrivacy este disponibil in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia si este compatibil cu aplicatiile Facebook si Facebook Messenger.