Warfare Nations – un nou joc de strategie inedit pentru iPhone si iPad (Video)


  Warfare Nations este un joc disponibil din cursul acestei seri in App Store pentru iPhone si iPad, iar dupa cum puteti vedea deja din gameplay trailerul de mai sus, vorbim despre un joc de strategie extrem de interesant. In acest joc rolul vostru va fi de a prelua controlul suprem asupra armatelor ce va sunt puse la dispozitie si de a va infrange inamicii in orice lupte.

Warfare Nations is an epic and addictive combat strategy game filled with exciting adventures and explosive fun. Train your troops, build your Outpost, and battle with thousands of other players online! The Great war rages around! LEAD your TROOPS, PILOT your ARMORS and BLOW your ENEMIES sky high!

  Jocul ne ofera optiunea de a controla batalii din europa, peste 50 de unitati in toate armatele concepute de catre dezvoltatori, peste 35 de baze cu resurse si 7 niveluri cu bossi pe care trebuie sa ii invingem. Mai mult decat atat, Warfare Nations contine un modul multiplaer care ne permite sa jucam online cu utilizatori din intreaga lume, asa ca vorbim despre un gameplay extrem de atractiv.

It’s Europe and the world powers have descended into world war. Your troops need a leader at their most desperate hour. Could you be that leader? As the world holds its breath, the decisions are yours! Put on your boots and take to the mud and trenches of Europe. Build a base and bring your rivals to their knees!

 Warfare Nations este disponibil GRATUIT in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Warfare Nations



Developer: VOLV LLC
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Warfare Nations is an epic and addictive combat strategy game filled with exciting adventures and explosive fun. Train your troops, build your Outpost, and battle with thousands of other players online!


Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 49.9 Mb