Photo Organizer 8 te ajuta sa-ti organizezi mult mai eficient libraria foto

Photo Organizer 8

  Photo Organizer 8 este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar prin intermediul sau putem implementa in iOS 8 un mod mult mai eficient de a ne administra libraria foto. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentata functionalitatea tweak-ului si puteti observa ca el ne permite sa adaugam un libraria foto a iOS 8 orice poze prin copierea lor directa in folderul de poze, permite mutarea pozelor fara a le sterge, permite rearanjarea pozelor, permite sortarea pozelor in baza unor criterii personalizabile, permite selectarea rapida a unui numar mare de poze si multe altele.

The wait is over. Introducing Photo Organizer 8, the next generation of our popular Photos app tweak that puts you in total control of your photo library. Key features:

  • Move items out of the Camera Roll without deleting them
  • Sort (by name/size/date) and reorder items in the Camera Roll and other albums
  • Import and sync albums _and folders_ (new in iOS 8) by copying photos directly to /var/mobile/Media/DCIM — iTunes not required!
  • Select ranges of photos by tapping with two fingers
  • Select and deselect all photos in an album with one tap
  • Reorder the album list and rename the Camera Roll

Photos or videos that have been removed from all albums, but that remain in the photo library, will appear in the “Hidden” album. To skip this album, tap and hold the trash button. To import media, copy a folder of photos/videos to /var/mobile/Media/DCIM, tap and hold the (+) button in the Photos app, and choose “Import and Sync”. Note that in contrast to previous versions, the Camera Roll will not be synced.
Photo Organizer 8 runs inside the stock Photos app and does not install any Springboard icons. There are no options to configure.

  Practic vorbim despre un tweak care functioneaza direct in interiorul aplicatiei Photos a iOS 8 si ne ofera o multitudine de functii pe care compania Apple nu le-a implementat pentu noi, desi ar fi trebuit sa o faca. Photo Organizer 8 este disponibil la pretul de 2$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.