Goat Simulator GoatZ este disponibil la REDUCERE in App Store

Goat Simulator GoatZ - iDevice.roGoat Simulator GoatZ este unul dintre cele mai noi jocuri pentru iPhone si iPad lansate in App Store in cursul zilei de ieri, iar daca sunteti un fan al seriei, atunci cu siguranta veti fi interesati sa incercati si acest nou titlu.

Goat Simulator GoatZ reprezinta o combinare intre stilul de joc standard al Goat Simulator si tematica zombiilor, astfel ca veti vedea o combinare intre celebra capra si o multitudine de zombii pe care va trebui sa ii omorati in aventurile voastre prin lumea virtuala conceputa de catre dezvoltatori.

Goat Simulator GoatZ este dezvoltat de catre compania care a adus versiunea originala a Goat Simulator pe diversele platforme pentru terminale mobile sau PC-uri, astfel ca veti avea parte de aceeasi calitate pentru gameplay.

In aceasta idee, veti avea posibilitatea de a crea singuri una dintre cele 6 arme pe care dezvoltatorii le-au gandit, totul fara a depune prea mult efort  pentru a va atinge obiectivele impuse de titlu.

GoatZ is the latest official addition to the Goat Simulator universe, and is a fine contender for the dumbest thing to come from Coffee Stain Studios yet – GOATS AND ZOMBIES IN THE SAME GAME! Well if you’re not already yelling at your mom to buy the game for you right away, maybe this will impress you a bit more:

Goat Simulator GoatZ ne pune intr-o lume plina de zombii, dezvoltatorii creand o harta ampla in care ne permit sa ne desfasuram “activitatile”, o parte dintre oamenii prezenti in titlu putand fi transformati in creaturile care trebuie omorate.

Intregul titlu este gandit pentru a fi cat se poate de atractiv pentru persoanele carora le plac jocurile din seria Goat Simulator, asa ca daca sunteti una dintre ele, cu siguranta veti fi multumiti.

  • Official new app from the idiots that brought you Goat Simulator
  • Mandatory crafting system – Craft anything in the world, as long as it’s one of the half dozen weapons in the game.
  • Zombies, zombies everywhere because this is a zombie game, remember?
  • A pretty big map with some stuff on it.
  • Fully fledged survival mode where you have to eat every five minutes to survive, just like your grandmother.
  • Turn humans into Zombies and loot some crates. Just like your grandmother.
  • Also a casual mode for people who don’t like feeding their goat every five minutes
  • Tons of new unlockable goats with special powers – shrink people’s heads, hang glide, wreak havoc, spit and be a goat. For real.

Goat Simulator GoatZ este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE, in format universal, din App Store.

Pretul initial:
Goat Simulator GoatZ



Developer: Coffee Stain Stud…
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Coffee Stain Sale!!!
33% Discount for a limited time only!

iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod Touch 5 or better.**

This is GoatZ, this is your story.

GoatZ is the latest official addition to the Goat Simulator universe, and is a f…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 137.5 Mb