Cum trimiti orice fel de fisiere prin WhatsApp Messenger

Daca ai fost vreodata curios sa afli cum trimiti orice fel de fisiere prin WhatsApp Messenger, ei bine astazi iti vorbesc despre WASendAny9, un tweak dezvoltat special pentru a ne oferi aceasta functionalitate chiar si in cea mai recenta versiune a aplicatiei pentru terminalele iPhone.

Conform dezvoltatorului WASendAny9, tweak-ul sau este capabil sa ne permita sa trimitem orice fel de fisiere catre prietenii nostri prin WhatsApp Messenger direct din conversatia de chat, asa ca nu vom mai fi limitati doar la clipuri video sau poze.

Toate setarile tweak-ului WASendAny9 sunt vizibile direct in aplicatia WhatsApp Messenger, iar fisierele vor putea fi deschise cu aplicatii terte instalate in iPhone, insa in cazul arhivelor trebuie redenumite fisierele si schimbate extensiile pentru a putea accesa datele.

  • WhatsApp support limited types of files to be sent through it’s application, but with WASendAny9 it’s unlocked it support all types.
  • WhatsApp didn’t support Gifs yet, so if you try sending Gif even using the new Document feature through WhatsApp the person you sent it to him ( will receive it as jpg ), but WASendAny9 fixed this issue by converting the Gif file to zip and after extracting it the Gif will works fine.
  • WASendAny9 support tweaks won’t be installed with it once you install it ( but i added an alert inside the app will reminds you once detecting that you don’t have those tweaks) CLICK INSTALL TO INSTALL THEM.

WASendAny9 este disponibil pentru descarcare din repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia urmand acest link.

WASendAny9 -