Tim Cook a fost nominalizat in topul celor mai influente 100 persoane de pe glob

Tim Cook, CEO-ul companiei Apple, a fost nominalizat de catre celebra publicatie TIME Magazine in topul celor mai influente persoane de pe planeta, el fiind in compania unor presedinti de companii foarte mari, dar si a unor personalitati cunoscute in lumea intreaga.

Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichiai, Papa Francisc sau Dwayne Johnson sunt plasati inaintea lui Tim Cook in topul celor de la TIME, CEO-ul companiei Apple fiind nominalizat constant in ultimii ani multumita muncii pe care o duce in cadrul Apple, dar si in afara companiei americane.

Fiecare dintre persoanele prezente in topul celor de la TIME au si cate o scurta descriere scrisa de catre apropiati, iar in cazul lui Tim Cook descrierea a fost scrisa de catre Bob Iger, CEO al companiei Walt Disney, iar mai jos puteti vedea ceea ce a avut de spus in legatura cu seful celor din Cupertino.

Apple is known for elegant, innovative products that change the world by transforming how we connect, create and communicate, as well as how we work, think and act. Its continued success requires a leader of great courage and character who demands excellence, upholds the highest ethical standards and routinely challenges the status quo, including encouraging vital conversations about who we are as a culture and a community.

Tim Cook is that kind of leader.

Behind his soft-spoken demeanor and Southern manners is a focused fearlessness that comes from deep personal conviction. Tim is committed to doing the right thing, in the right way, at the right time and for the right reasons. As CEO, he’s led Apple to new heights, and he continues to build a global brand that is universally recognized as an industry leader and widely respected for its values.