Barack Obama ia in ras Galaxy Note 7

Presedintele SUA, Barack Obama, nu pleaca de la Casa Alba inainte de a ironiza Galaxy Note 7 si fiasco-ul care a generat atat de multe discutii in lumea intreaga. In cadrul unui discurs pe care l-a tinut noaptea trecuta, presedintele american a tinut sa vorbeasca despre modul in care a gestionat compania Samsung problema bateriilor Galaxy Note 7 care explodeaza.

Iata ce a avut de spus presedintele Barack Obama in legatura cu Galaxy Note 7 noaptea trecuta.

“And think about it. When one of these companies comes out with a new smartphone and it has a few bugs, what do they do? They fix it. They upgrade it. Unless it catches fire. Then they just pull it off the market. But you don’t go back to using a rotary phone. You don’t say, ‘Well, we’re repealing smartphones.’ We’re just gonna do the dial-up thing. That’s not what you do. The same basic principle applies here. We’re not gonna go back to discriminating against Americans with pre-existing conditions.”