iPhone a schimbat lumea si este de neegalat astazi

Separat de comunicatul de presa privind celebrarea celor 10 ani din momentul lansarii primului model al iPhone, managerii Apple au discutat si cu unele publicatii americane. Phil Schiller, vicepresedintele diviziei de marketing a afirmat intr-un interviu ca primul iPhone a schimbat cu adevarat lumea in care traim si putine persoane au realizat asta atunci.

El spune ca toate functiile pe care iPhone le oferea intr-un “pachet” atat de mic au fost adevarata revolutie, el fiind un calculator care incape in buzunar. De la posibilitatea de a naviga pe internet cu un browser modern si pana la multi-touch, sau aplicatiile avansate, clientii au iubit functiile pe care iPhone le oferea si le ofera si inca le iubesc acum, cumparand terminalele in cantitati foarte mari.

“That undervalues how earth-shattering the iPhone was when it first came to market, and we all first got them and fell in love with them. iPhone made the idea of a smartphone real. It really was a computer in your pocket. The idea of real internet, real web browser, Multi-Touch. There were so many things that are core to what is the smartphone today, that created a product that customers fell in love with, that then also demanded more stuff on them, more apps.”

Raspunzand la criticile privind lipsa inovatiilor din iPhone, Phil Schiller sustine ca salturile tehnologice sunt mai mari acum decat au fost in trecut. De la cresterea diagonalelor ecranelor si pana la procesoare mai puternice, sau camere mai bune, Phil Schiller aduce in discutie imbunatatirile majore pe care compania Apple le-a oferit pentru iPhone.

iPhone 2G a pornit cu o singura camera, care nici macar nu inregistra clipuri video, iar acum iPhone 7 are trei camere si functii similare cu cele ale DSLR-urilor. In cei 10 ani de existenta, iPhone a evoluat extrem de mult si va evolua in continuare, compania Apple pregatind pentru 2017 functii care sa-i faca pe clienti sa-i cumpere in continuare produsele.

“I actually think the leaps in the later versions are as big and sometimes even bigger now. I think our expectations are changing more, not the leaps in the products. If you look through every version—from the original iPhone to the iPhone 3G to the 4 to the 4S, you see great changes all throughout. You see screen size change from three and a half inch to four inch to four point seven and five point five. You see cameras going through incredible change, from the first camera that couldn’t shoot video, to then having both a front and a backside camera, to now three cameras with the stuff we’re doing, and with live photos and 4K video.”

In final, Schiller nu uita sa aduca in discutie usurinta cu care poate fi folosit iPhone, dar si optimizarea aproape perfecta a hardware-ului pentru software si viceversa. Ironizand si producatorii Android, el afirma ca Apple nu vrea sa faca cele mai ieftine sau mai multe terminale iPhone, ci doar cele mai bune, insa problemele recente prezinta o situatie diferita.

“The quality is unmatched. The ease of use is still unmatched. The integration of hardware software is unmatched. We’re not about the cheapest, we’re not about the most, we’re about the best.”
