iPhone 4S vs Nokia 808 Pureview vs HTC One X – comparatia camerelor

  Nokia 808 Pureview este un smartphone Nokia care are incorporata o camera de 41 de megapixeli, acesta fiind singurul smartphone cu o camera capabila sa faca poze la o rezolutie atat de mare. Multi confunda numarul de megapixeli cu calitatea unei camere, crezand in mod gresit ca o camera cu mai multi megapixeli face poze mai bine. Pentru a testa acest lucru cei de la cnet au facut un test comparativ intre camerele iPhone 4S, HTC One X si Nokia 808 Pureview, iar in acest articol aveti prezentate pozele facute de ei.

Methodology: All photos were shot at 8 megapixels and on default settings, unless otherwise mentioned. For the Nokia 808 PureView, it was set to capture photos at “PureView resolution” and at its highest quality. The Nokia handset’s advantage is its “pixel overlay” technology, where seven pixels on its sensor are combined together to form one “super pixel”.

Blind test: All three photos were viewed on a calibrated monitor in full, then at 100 percent crop (what you are currently viewing). Note that we have included links to view the full-sized images for your comparison.

  Vazand pozele, sunt curios sa aflu care terminal considerati ca are camera cea mai buna?