iPhone 6 – brugen af ​​safirglas er bekræftet af en ekspert kontaktet af Apple (Video)


  Saptamana aceasta am vazut clipul video de mai sus in care panoul din sticla de safir pentru iPhone 6 a fost supus unei prime runde de teste extreme pentru a ne demonstra cat de rezistent este el. In baza filmarii de mai sus, dar si a celei de mai jos, profesorul britanic Neil Alford siger materialul prezentat in imagini pare a fi sticla de safir, rezistenta sa stand la baza confirmarii originii sale.

In my opinion the screen being shown off in the video could well be a sapphire screen. If you make sapphire thin enough, and it’s flaw free, you can bend it quite considerably because it has an enormous strength. I think they will be doing some sort of a lamination – binding different crystal cuts of sapphire together – boosting the toughness of the material, while they may also have induced some sort of a strain in the surface of the glass – either compression or tension – which means that it has extra strength.

  Profesorul Alford a fost contactat de catre compania Apple la inceputul anului trecut pentru a discuta despre posibila implementare a sticlei de safir in panourile de protectie a ecranelor, asa ca interesul din partea companieia  existat. Apple are construita o fabrica in parteneriat cu o alta companie, ea fiind dedicata productiei de sticla de safir, iPhone 6 urmand a fi intr-adevar primul terminal iPhone care va beneficia de aceasta tehnologie.
