Pakage, a new alternative for Cydia

1258130558_285500x375_thumb After Icy from RipDev and Kryptes from, here comes a new alternative to the popular application Cydia. This time, the dethronement attempt comes from a little-known developer: Xuxx / chpwn who recently announced that their alternative for Cydia called Pakage is already in the alpha stage. A beta version will be offered to a select group of testers who will judge if and how Pakage is better than Cydia. Not much is known about the new application, except that it will work with the repos made on Debian and of course the developer's promise that it will be much better and more powerful than Cydia.

But… is there a need for a Cydia replacement? Is Cydia really that hard to use? I for one tried to use Icy, unfortunately it was not compatible with many applications so I gave up on it... will the same happen with Pakage?