PKGBackup 3.1.8 update

Week talking about version 3.1.6 a PKGBackup and this week the application that saves all the applications on your phone has reached version 3.1.8, available since yesterday through Cydia.

PKGBackup it not only saves the applications from your phone, but also the address book with your contacts, for example, being a very powerful and useful utility for those who restore quite often. However, I must warn you that PKGBackup although it's good, sometimes it can cause quite big problems if you try to synchronize applications/settings saved from a certain firmware to a different one, whether it's newer/older than the one you saved it in, so use carefully the application because there is a chance to lose everything.

Here's what's new in version 3.1.8:

  • Fixed problem with lost backup "Categories";
  • Fixed problem with the network;

There are not many new features, but they are necessary for the proper functioning of the application, if you want to have it on your phone, you can buy it from Cydia.

This post was last modified on Jan. 3, 2010, 11:31 PM 23:31 PM

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