Infiniboard 1.1 update

infinity board, the application that allows you to scroll vertically among the applications installed on the phone was updated today to version 1.1, which brings several updates mainly aimed at correcting the functionality, bugs and compatibility with other applications intended for customization iPhone / iPod Touchacquis.

Here's the changelog for Infiniboard 1.1 :

  • Fixed problems with CategoriesSB
  • Fixed problems with 6/7-row SB
  • Added a section in the settings to enable or disable the icons behind the dock.

chpwn, the developer of the application, said last night on the forums ModMyi ca InfiniBoard it does not consume the battery at all because it does not run in the background like other applications of this kind, but simply modifies some files in SpringBoard which takes care of scrolling, so you can use it quietly.

InfiniBoard can be purchased from Cydia for $1.99.
