Paypal 2.0 update

The famous company Paypal which allows users to make online payments or transfer money on the Internet through the service they offer has updated its application for iPhone / iPod Touch from AppStore.

application Paypal is the easiest way to manage your account Paypal giving you easy access to all the available options offered by this service, directly from your phone through an intuitive and very easy-to-use interface.

Here's what's new in version 2.0:

- Brand new look and feel!
– Bump: Easily start by bumping iPhones.
- Withdraw funds from your PayPal balance.
- Request Money: Get paid faster, it's the easy way to ask for the money you are owed.
– Split the Check: Instantly split the bill, calculate tip, and request everyone's share.
- Collect Money: Ask for contributions from a group for an event, gift, or cause.
- Set Reminders: Never miss rent or a bill.
- Refer the app to a friend

The application can be downloaded for free from Ro AppStore from here.

UPDATED : A user reported that after installing version 2.0, the application refused to start and had to return to the initial version, so be careful.

Below is a video with version 2.0 of the Paypal application.