BiteSMS 4.7 final available in Cydia

After a fairly fast development process, Bit SMS 4.7 it was finally released in the final version and comes with a very large changelog, otherwise it was to be expected considering that the betas also had quite large changelogs.

BiteSMS it is a very good utility for administration SMS / MMSs in iPhoneand offers a series of very useful functions such as: QuickReply, quick send, sending of SMS-s from inside an application using the function QuickReply, sending of SMS-s from the lockscreen using the same function, the possibility of using your own network BiteSMS to send international messages at promotional prices and much more.

Here's what's new Bit SMS 4.7 :

● A license is no longer required to use biteSMS, if you don't have a license or credits you will be shown ads instead. The intent is that those who can't afford / don't want to pay can at least help in supporting the biteSMS team by accepting the ads.
● Delivery Reports, done really nicely with icons!
● Quick List feature. From the biteSMS status bar icon, easily display and act on your unread SMS messages.
● Quick Reply now has 9 action buttons you can use. Simply configure (displayed or not, display order and gesture) in Settings, Quick Reply, Configure Buttons. For example, my top 3 Quick Reply buttons are [Later] [Popup] [Send], and I can still swipe left & right in the Quick Reply window to make use of the other 6 buttons!!!
● As above, but 6 action buttons for Quick Compose.
● In Settings, Quick Reply, Configure Buttons you can choose the required action for the "Red X" icon or the Home button, as either Close (mark as read) or Later (leave unread) or no action.
● Quick Compose now remembers the recipient and text you entered (within 5 minutes or until sent), so you can exit Quick Compose to do something else and then come back and complete your message.
● Added Pocket Protection feature (Settings, Lock Screen Mode, Features). Set this to off if you would like all the Quick Reply buttons to be active without needing to tap in the text field. I love this feature!
● New settings "Lock Screen Mode >" and "Unlock Screen Mode >", allows you to quickly manage and visualize the settings for these two very different modes. For example, want to use just Quick List in lock screen mode with no SMS alerts ? It's now easy to configure!
● If you are in Quick List, Quick Compose or Quick Reply and an incoming SMS arrives, it no longer "takes over the screen" it simply gets added to the Quick List (after appropriate sound and vibrate).
● The “Tap for Quick Compose” HUD now starts to fade immediately (still takes time to fade but starts straight away not 1.5 seconds later)
● Under the Carrier SMS Plan group in settings, the "Plan Includes" and "Currently Used" counters are now 5-digits instead of 4.
● Added a Forum link in the Settings, About page.
● Fixed up the Quick Compose HUD click sound file, so it can now be customized via Winterboard.
● Fixed up issue where Quick Compose and Quick Reply could make future Apple alerts on the SpringBoard appear in landscape mode.

Bit SMS 4.7 can be installed from Cydia through the repo BigBoss, benefits from a trial period after which you have to buy the application. The full license costs €8.95 and never expires, but you can buy a partial license that expires in one year, the cheapest one costs €4 but includes 50SMSinternational ones.

I'm curious how many of you use it BiteSMS? Does it require a lot of resources? Does the battery life decrease or not?