OpenAppMkt – a new AppStore


OpenAppMkt it is a kind of AppStore only that, unlike the online store where Apple keeps its applications, here we are talking about a website and about web applications, not applications specially made for iOS. The OpenAppMkt applications are made in HTML and do not run directly from your phone but from the OpenAppMkt website. Notice also in the video that OpenAppMkt involves saving a bookmark in SpringBoard, a bookmark that at first glance looks like some application, but in reality it is just a link to a page that will be accessed and the application will start. Nothing is installed in your phone, hence the possibility to use OpenAppMkt without having a jailbroken phone.

The idea itself is good, but it has its limits, for example, complex games that are hundreds of MB in the AppStore will not be available through such an AppStore. I didn't manage to use this market, it simply doesn't open my site after I bookmark it, however I assume that without an internet connection you won't be able to use any of the applications saved in Springboard, so another big minus. However, I noticed an interesting function on the website, the possibility to send the application to the phone via the phone number, but of course I did not manage to use this function, but if you succeed, please leave a comment to say if the option works or not.

My opinion is that OpenAppMkt will not catch on with the iPhone community, not as much as the AppStore.