limera1n vs greenpois0n – which is better for battery life?

A few days ago I wrote one article in which we warn you that using the limera1n jailbreak solution made by geohot could have negative effects on the autonomy of your terminal's battery. Then I based my statements on some information discovered on foreign websites where different users complained that the battery life decreased considerably after the jailbreak with limera1n. Then I suggested the use of greenpois0n as an alternative solution for this problem and I said that I will come back with details as soon as I am convinced about the details regarding this problem.

I tested both solutions over several days and I can say that there is a minor difference between them in terms of battery autonomy, and the jailbreak solution that proved to have a smaller impact on autonomy was limera1n. With limera1n I have a battery life as good as the one recorded when I had a jailbreak made with the solution on, and with greenpois0n I could say that the battery seems to last a little less. The difference between them is NOT major, so it depends on your attitude to use any of these 2 solutions. Don't forget that greenpois0n RC4 it will be available soon and it is possible to come with some improvements.