Dolce TV blocks the possibility of watching online TV from iPhone or iPad

Last week I have you said about a site that allowed us to watch Live TV from an iPad tablet or an iPhone terminal. The site belongs to Dolce TV, a television station owned by Romtelecom, and since yesterday the stream for iDevices has been blocked. Instead of the images with the TV stations you will now see those icons and you will not be able to access anything at all. On the main site, the streams still exist, but they can only be viewed from a flash player in a certain section of the site. Unfortunately, you cannot access that section because it is automatically redirected to the mobile page where the image above appears.

Even Skyfire cannot detect the live video stream, so basically there is no possibility to access those streams. Thank you Dolce TV! The community of iPhone users in Romania welcomes your decision!

UPDATED: If you want to see Antena 3, here is a link:

UPDATE 2: Now everything works without problems. You can access the list of posts by here.