Compass for Maps displays your cardinal points in the Maps application

      Developer of the tweak Speed ​​for Maps released this evening Compass for Maps, a tweak that brings to the iOS Maps application a compass that displays the cardinal points and the direction of travel. More precisely, the developer uses the iOS Compass application to retrieve information about our direction of travel and tells us if we are heading north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, etc. The information is displayed in a black circle positioned at the bottom right of the screen exactly as in the case of Speed ​​for Maps.

This tweak adds a small compass overlay to the default Maps app. This tweak requires no configuration and is compatible with Speed ​​for Maps.

       This tweak only works on devices that have the compass application, that is, you must have a terminal released after the iPhone 3GS. The tweak is available for free in Cydia in the BigBoss repo and you can install it following this link.