Saurik is trying to get the domain

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      Cydia is undoubtedly one of the most popular applications installed on millions of iDevices around the world and saurik he has a little problem with the domain made after the name of the application. Although saurik made the Cydia application and built a real business around it, the developer does not own the domain that would give the application a much better promotion among users. The saurikit company developed by saurik tried to obtain the domain by suing the owners of the domain, but unfortunately in March a US court won against the owners of the domain.

      Now, almost half a year after the first defeat, Saurik's company is interested in suing the owners of again in order to obtain ownership of the domain. Whether Saurik will win the case or not remains to be seen, but at the moment the chances of success are quite small. saurik registered the name Cydia as a trademark in 2002, almost 6 years before the launch of the Cydia application, but only almost a decade later it was fighting to obtain the Internet domain with the same name.