Video: IRIS – a Siri for Android


    IRIS is a voice command recognition system developed by an amateur developer for the Android platform in just 8 hours and as you can see from the clip above, its main function is to imitate in almost all aspects the Siri system designed by Apple. IRIS lacks some functions compared to those available in Siri, but Apple's system lacks certain functions available in IRIS. For example, I would have liked to have the option to see pictures or video clips using Siri, but for now Apple has not implemented similar functions and here IRIS is a few steps ahead.

    Apple could learn something from IRIS, which is essentially an application that does searches on and rewrites the results and then recites them for users. This is practically what Siri does, but in a much more beautiful presentation, from certain points of view, and I would like to see that Apple is able to learn and implement functions like those presented in IRIS.

