Video: Infinity Blade 2 hands-on preview

   On December 1, the Infinity Blade 2 game will be released, and those from The Verge they managed to test the new creation of those from CHAIR Entertainment. The new version of the game brings a much improved graphics engine and many many new moves plus items for players but the gameplay remains unchanged. Those from Chair preferred not to spoil a good thing, so they will not change the game style but change the environment, add a few more "bosses" and more items for the players, all with the idea of ​​significantly improving the gaming experience game.

   The game will be available for €5.49 as an application starting on December 1st in the App Store. The game will of course be available separately, so all those who bought the initial version will have to take money out of their pockets again to buy the second part. I don't know if a demo or free version will be available, as Epic Citadel appeared last year, but it is certain that a very interesting title is waiting for us in the App Store even on Romania's national day.