Here's how you can solve some of Cydia's loading problems

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  I told you last night that some Cydia repos have issues to deal with the very high traffic generated by all iDevice owners who have jailbroken using Absinthe 2.0. Unfortunately, because of a single repo, you can wait a few minutes to update the information in Cydia, but I have for you a very simple method to solve at least some of the problems. We noticed today that the ZodTtd & Maciti repo and the ultrasn0w repo have loading problems, so I deleted them and since then Cydia loads all the information immediately.

  deleting* si solve Cydia's loading problems, but only if you haven't added any other repos besides those already included in Cydia. If you have added third-party repos, then you need to check if they work correctly and if this does not happen, then you can delete them for a few days.