The most important news of the week on - 10.09.2012 - 16.09.2012 week in review

  This week ends the whole madness related to iPhone 5, iOS 6 and the new iPods of the Apple company. Several months full of speculation ends with a device that looks exactly like the rumors presented on the Internet, with an iOS 6 slightly modified compared to the beta version and with a pre-order session that seems to have set a new sales record for the company Apple. Next Friday, we can expect Apple stores to be sold out and iPhone 5 to sell more than 4 million copies during the launch weekend.

  1. iOS 6 – jailbreak and unlock
  2. The A6 chip in the iPhone 5 uses a processor designed by Apple
  3. iPhone 5 – the first prices for Romania and the possibility to pre-order
  4. iPhone 5 could allow us to connect SD cards and other accessories through the Lightning dock
  5. The first batch of iPhone 5 units sold 20 times faster than the first batch of iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S terminals
  6. Presentation conference of iPhone 5, iOS 6, iPod Touch and iPod Nano - everything you need to know – all articles about the conference
  7. iPhone 5 price in Romania - subscription, online stores, black market
  8. iPhone 5 between disappointment and... disappointment
  9. Tutorial: Jailbreak iOS 6 GM + Cydia installation on iPhone and iPod Touch using redsn0w 0.9.13 dev 4 (Windows, Mac)
  10. iPhone 5 – the new iPhone presented by Apple!
  11. A new mockup of the iPad Mini appears on the Internet, showing the potential final design
  12. YouTube for iOS is available in the App Store thanks to Google(Video)