Based on a phone number, iOS 6 helps you find all the information about Facebook users

  In iOS 6, Facebook was "deeply" integrated into the operating system a few months ago I told you that there is a very important security problem in the middle. In practice, iOS can populate your address book with information about the Facebook accounts of your contacts, and in return provide Facebook with information about you. A phone number or an email address is enough to find out the photo, email address, phone number, home address and other details about any of your contacts that you have added as a friend on Facebook.

  Those from Facebook claim that each user chooses what information to share on Facebook, iOS takes only those that it is allowed to take, but those from TechCrunch I argue that Facebook also offers information that users do not want to share. They tested the new "functions" of Facebook and discovered that based on a phone number you can collect all the information of a Facebook account, even if the owner of that account chose to share it only with his friends or with any other unknown person who he has a phone number.

  Facebook says that the system respects the wishes of the users, those from TechCrunch discovered the opposite and the problem is quite big because a person who knows your phone number should, in theory, be able to find out other information about your Facebook account. You don't need to give it, iOS 6 discovers it by itself when it synchronizes the phone contacts with Facebook and you are just as vulnerable. If you do not want your information to be shared on Facebook, then go to Settings>Facebook and uncheck the access provided to the Contacts application. If you don't want your calendar to be filled with useless information, it would be ideal to uncheck the access offered to it.